Potassium Silicate
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What is it?

OGS  Potassium Silicate is designed to be used as a foliar feed or wetting agent (in small amounts). Additionally AgSil has shown effective results against foreign invaders (mites, thrips, aphids etc)


Silica is an important macro-molecule used in the re-enforcement and fortification of cell walls.

As a result, plants grown with Silica will have leaves that are darker green, increasing their potential for photosynthesis and better growth. Silica invigorates yours plants and bolsters their resilience to pests and pathogens, leading to healthier plants and bigger yields.

Once Silica has been taken up by plant leaves, it is permanently deposited into the cell walls within 24 hours. The deposits form a silica-cellulose framework which can be created rapidly, effectively reinforcing the cell walls of your plants; These stronger cell walls help to shield your plants and make them more resilient towards infestations by sucking insects (white flies, aphids, etc).

In addition, plants will transport and deposit any Silica it uptakes to the area of a pathogen attack (powdery mildew, pythium, etc), stimulating the production of anti-fungal compounds that halt the infection process.

Silica also helps to balance the uptake of elements, competing against certain metals that are essential but can be problematic in excess such as Aluminium, Manganese, and Iron; As well as increases the fertility of pollen to ensure successful breeding and healthy progeny. 


Potassium is essential for the development of flowering plants. It also increases your plants ability to uptake and utilize CO2, which is critical for all stages of growth.

How do I use it?

AgSil must be Foliar Fed:

25 mL per 10 L water every 2 weeks or as required.

Spot-Spraying - 25 mL per 10 L water as required.


Please Note This listing is for 1L of AgSil.

Vendor: organic gardening solutions
Weight:  1.0 kg